Evening dolls! How are we all? I've had a lovely weekend :) Spent most of it at the bf's; living out of a weekend bag is hard especially when an impromptu night out springs up and you have to concoct a stunning outfit out of a few items!
I also had a bit of a spending spree in Primark using up the last of my birthday monies. I got some fabulous items ready for spring/summer which i'm sure will feature in my blog over the coming weeks....
So thought i'd do a post about what was hot & what was not about my weekend:
Whats Hot!
My new gorgeous Miss Selfridge floral bag

Isn't this divine!? It was one of those moments in the Mall when you're on route to meet someone and you spy an beautiful image out the corner of your eye and stop dead mesmerized by the beauties in the window display! I was a very lucky girl and the bf bought this for me as he still owed me a birthday present :)
Midnight McDonalds

There's fast becoming a tradition between me and my friends where we go for midnight snacks after a night out. Last night we stopped off at McDonalds - normally the ultimate sin but i had been craving MaccyD's for 6 months and it was amazing, totally savoured every mouthful, lol!
Paris necklace
I am obsessed with Paris and necklaces with Eiffel Tower charms. When i spied this little beaut in Primark i immediately dropped it into my basket and for only £2 who could resist!?
This faux sheepskin waistcoat was an absolute steal!! On the sale rail at Primark for just ... wait for it! ... £3 !!! Can you believe it!? I'm thinking of teaming it with the new petrol blue maxi dress i just purchased from boohoo.com or black skinny jeans and a peach top.
Spending time with The Bf

Whats Not!
Cold weather
Err why is it soo cold?! It's March so that means Spring.
Not enough space

I totally need a walk-in closet!
Mental drivers

I dislike people that drive insane! I actually feared for my life last night.
No lie-ins or naps :(
So at the weekends i normally have lie-ins and/or naps - this weekend i had neither :( I love to nap!
Maybelline One by One Volume Express Mascara
Picked up this mascara as the advert makes the lashes look amazing (yes, gullible! I totally fell for the advertising) Unfortunately the high hopes i had for this mascara soon faded as soon as the brush touched my lashes ... the brush was hard and scratchy and quite frankly hurt my eyes! The mascara itself separated the lashes well but i cant get over the nasty brush :( shame as i love the Maybelline Falsies mascara.
What were you loving/despising this weekend? How would you wear the sheepskin waistcoat?
love the bag and the waistcoat!