Butterfly Award ... (100th Post!)

Sunday, 5 June 2011

What a way to celebrate my 100th blog post! I've received a Butterfly Award from the Super Gorgeous Alice (see what i did there, ha!)

Award rules state that you must:

a) write a random fact about yourself
b) pass the award on
c) notify the bloggers you nominate

Ok so a random fact about me ...

I used to work in retail and over the years i had a few famous faces through my doors. While working for Quiksilver (the surf/snowboarding shop not the arcade!) i was always lumbered with the late Monday night shift which meant working until 9pm (or 10 closer to Christmas!) ... and every Monday for around a month i got to serve Shane Lynch from Boyzone who came in looking for boardshorts for an upcoming TV show (it was some reality show, cant remember what but i know there was a hot tub and pool). He ended up spending well over £300 on two occasions thanks to my superb persuasion customer service skillz. During my younger years i was a big Boyzone fan so was pretty darn excited, haha.

Bloggers i nominate ...

Katie from Katie Writes ...

Leanne from A Slice Of My Life

Thanks so much to Alice for my first ever blog award :) :)

Also thanks to all my readers for letting me ramble on for 100 posts. Here's to 100 more!!




  1. OMG I love Shane, well jel!

    Ummm was it Temptation Island or something like that? Love Island? Jem sang the theme tune - oh it's going to bug me now!!! x

  2. Congrats for the award, massive thanks for passing it on my way :)
    So jealous about Shane! x

  3. Congratulations sweetie, for the award and the 100th post.


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