We only said goodbye with words ...

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Band of the week #3:

27 Club

Something a bit different this week ...

I recently decorated the bf's bedroom and the walls were looking a bit bare so i set myself the challenge of producing some funky artwork for his room like i did for my boudoir.

The bf has a bit of an obsession with the '27 Club' (famous musicians who have all tragically died at the young age of 27) so i decided to buy some frames and fill them with pics of Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones ...

I bought 2 of these frames and as you can see i have room for 6 photos and only 5 members from the 27 Club.

This was until yesterday when the uber talented Amy Winehouse died. She has now been added to and will take pride of place in the final spot in my 27 Club artwork for the bf's bedroom.

So this week's band of the week goes to Forever 27 - i bet they're having a rocking party up in the clouds now!

Til next time ...




  1. What an interesting piece of art for the walls, I like it.

  2. Wow, I've never heard of this 27 club but its such an interesting idea. (I love Kurt Cobain)
    What a coincidence that you decided to do this on the weekend Amy Winehouse died. Spooky xxx



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